Mrs. Fannie P. Dean
(November 15, 1938 - January 30, 2023)
Mrs. Fannie P. Dean, Tiger For Life
Mrs. Fannie Dean was born on November 15, 1938 and passed away on Monday, January 30, 2023. Mrs. Dean was a treasured member of the Warrensville Heights community and served at the school district since 1963. Every student, staff, and visitor to the schools knew and loved Mrs. Dean and had a special relationship with her. She was the heart and soul of the community, truly the “First Lady” of Warrensville Heights.
Mrs. Fannie Dean, commonly known as ‘Lil Mrs. Dean’, served at Warrensville Heights City School District since 1963. Over her decades of service to the District, there are few roles Mrs. Dean didn’t hold. If there was something needed at Warrensville Heights City Schools, Mrs. Dean made it happen. She was notorious for knowing the name of every single scholar that walked through the door, impacting thousands of students over her career.
Her career began as a noon time assistant when the first brown bag luncheon program was initiated, and her salary was $2.25 an hour. Mrs. Dean moved to the middle school where she was a hall monitor then later moved to High School as the Attendance Clerk. She later moved to the recreation center as the Assistant to the Director.
Mrs. Dean worked as The Sub Coordinator for 18 years. Mrs. Dean also worked the concession stands at all games (football, basketball, and volleyball), ticket sales, and ensured all students were in school daily. Mrs. Dean worked the food pantry twice a month, served as the blood drive coordinator since 1978 and never missed a day of work. She was a Drama Coach for 20 years and walked with the band in every parade. Mrs. Fannie Dean also started the floral garden in 1965 at the High School.
Mrs. Deans' workday began at 4:30 a.m. when she opened the recreation center allowing walkers, runners, and swimmers to exercise before the school day began. From there she continued her day as the Attendance clerk and greeter to all students and staff.
She was an active member of Aldersgate Methodist Church where she served for over 60 years. Mrs. Fannie Dean was married for 57 years and was one of six sisters and three brothers. She is survived by one sister, Constance Edwards of Chicago, Il, two sons, Randy Love of Huntsville, AL and Terry Love of Birmingham, AL, and two Aunts, Amanda Evans of Cleveland, OH and Ruby Warr of Markham, IL. She will be dearly missed, and remembered as a “Tiger for Life.”