The Warrensville Heights City School District has overall responsibility for the health and well-being of students while they are at school. Each school has a healthcare assistant or nurse on duty every day. Members of our Student Health teams provide a variety of services. These include:
Assessing the status of a student’s overall health
Administering first aid
Conducting state-required health screenings
Evaluating and caring for illnesses and injuries
Making sure that students have the proper immunizations
Managing chronic health conditions
Managing communicable diseases
Monitoring and administering medications.
Physical Health
Warrensville Heights City School District is proud to offer our scholars and families health care resources and services through our student nurses and partnerships with Cleveland Clinic, ROI, and more. Explore this page to learn more about the State of Ohio's requirements for your child's health information as well as resources to keep your family healthy!
Cleveland Clinic Mobile Clinic
What is the Cleveland Clinic Mobile Clinic?
The mobile unit provides voluntary, comprehensive healthcare services to students from kindergarten through 12th grade twice a month. To register, parents should fill out the Registration Packet.
Cleveland Clinic Mobile Schedule 2022 - 2023
Frequently asked Questions:
Which immunizations should my child have before attending school?
The WHCSD Board of Education has mandated that, pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code, Section 3313.67, students attending WHCSD be immunized against communicable diseases. WHCSD follows all requirements as defined by the Ohio Department of Health. Find that information, and the latest Immunization Summary on their website: Ohio Department of Health.
What is a trusted resource to learn more about my child's health?
Any government site is a good start to finding a trusted resource, visit the Ohio Department of Health website to learn about your child's health from infancy to adolescence! Visit here:
Mental Health
Our Schools currently partner with multiple community providers, like Heart to Heart, to refer our scholars to mental health care on an as needed basis.
Who can I contact if I'm worried about my scholar's/another scholars mental health?
If you're concerned about your scholar's mental health, please reach out to the school guidance counselor. Schools will work with parents to determine the appropriate course of action.