Our Board

The Board of Education is composed of five residents of the school district who are elected to four-year terms. The Board elects its President and Vice President in an annual organizational meeting. Board members bring to their work a variety of perspectives and strengths gained through their personal experiences, their education and careers, and their volunteer service in the community.

Board members do not have the authority to act individually in the name of the Board. The Board may take action only at duly convened regular, special or emergency meetings.

Board Meetings
A school board meeting is the only means by which a school board can carry out its legal duties or exercise its legal powers. As such, the primary purpose of a school board meeting is to transact business. Secondarily, school board meetings provide opportunities for creative and constructive decision-making by members of the board while attempting to reach consensus on strategic issues. In addition, school board meetings offer an opportunity for the public to address the Board of Education. Our Board Meetings can be found in a downloadable calendar and on our website calendar. 

All Board meetings are open to the public. Special and emergency meetings are occasionally called to handle school matters that cannot be deferred to monthly meetings. Notices of all meetings are posted in accordance with state law.  All meetings (workshops and regular meetings) are streamed LIVE on our YouTube Channel.

Prior to each Board meeting, Board members receive information concerning the items that will be presented on the agenda. This allows the Board members time to consider items and, if appropriate, to consult with constituents prior to making their decisions. Ohio law permits the Board of Education to meet in executive session to consider personnel issues, the purchase or sale of property, legal matters, and safety and security. Only these sessions are closed to the public. 

Public Participation
Although the Board encourages public comment, it must also be understood that the Board may or may not provide feedback or take action immediately following the public comment. Inquiries are directed to the superintendent who will investigate the matter and report as quickly as possible to the citizen and to the Board of Education. If formal school board action is called for, the matter will usually be placed on the agenda for a future regular meeting of the Board of Education.

In Person Participation
Community members are encouraged to participate in school district affairs, and a special portion of the board agenda, “Public Participation" is set aside to listen to the public. This segment of the meeting is scheduled within the agenda and the President of the Board will ask for citizen comments at the proper time. When addressing the board, a community member is requested to identify him/herself by name and address. If an individual represents a group, then the group should also be identified. The Board of Education normally provides three minutes for each speaker. 

Virtual Participation
Additionally, any community member seeking to participate may email [email protected] by noon the day before a Board Meeting, and their comment will be read during the meeting. Please include name, contact information, and relevant details to your comment in the email. Please note that the live chat on the District YouTube livestream is not moderated in real time. 

Board of Education's Core Beliefs
Where Tiger Pride Means... 
...Families are critical to our success, and an extension of the district. 
...Progress is enhanced by multiple collaborators and partnerships. 
...Dedication to building a foundation for the future of all scholars. 



Board Policy
Number of Members and Terms of Office (Board Policy 0141, 0144)
The Board of Education shall consist of five (5) members elected at large. The term of each Board member shall be four (4) years and shall commence on the first day of January following the member's election. 

Roles and Responsibilities of the Board (Board Policy 0173) 
A. The President of the Board of Education shall: 
  1. preside at all public meetings of the Board;
  2. call special meetings of the Board; R.C. 3313.16
  3. appoint all committees;
  4. sign notes, minutes, conveyances, contracts, and other legal instruments for which the signature of the President is called; R.C. 3313.51, 3315.08
  5. assist in the preparation of the Board agenda.
B. The Vice-President 
shall assume and discharge the duties of the President in his/her absence, disability, or disqualification. 
C. A committee chairperson shall call meetings of the committee, keep informed on developments in activities under the committee’s jurisdiction, and report to the Board for the committee

Philosophy of the Board 
A Board of Education is a legal entity for providing a system of public education within a geographic area of the State of Ohio. The system was created by, and is governed by, State statutes. Members of a Board are, therefore, State officers chosen by citizens to represent them and the State in the legislative management of the local schools.

The Board of Education has the dual responsibility for implementing statutory requirements pertaining to public education and for meeting the desires of the citizens. While the Board has an obligation to determine and assess citizen desires, it is understood that when the citizens elect delegates to represent them in the conduct of specified educational programs, they, at the same time, endow their representatives with the authority to exercise their best judgment in determining policies, making decisions, and approving procedures for carrying out the responsibility.

The Board declares and, thereby, reaffirms its intent to:
  1. maintain two-way communications with citizens of the District. The Board shall keep them informed of the progress and problems of the School District, and the citizens shall be urged to bring their aspirations and concerns about the District to the attention of this body;
  2. establish policies and make decisions on the basis of declared educational philosophy and goals;
  3. act as a truly representative body for citizens in all matters related to programs and operations. The Board recognizes that ultimate responsibility for public education rests with the State, but the Board of Education has been assigned specific authority through statute, and the Board shall not relinquish or fail to exercise that authority. 
Board Meeting Schedules

Community Engagement Board Meeting 12-14-22

BoardDocs WebsiteView our Policies, Bylaws, and more on the 
BoardDocs website.


Board of Education

      Mr. Earl Darren Roberts,

          Mrs. Mimi Gaiter, 

 Mr. Ray A. Freeman,
Vice President

Mr. Keith Fuller, Member

Mrs. Barbara A. Mumin, Member



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