Our Alumni

WHHSAA Mission Statement

  • Establish and maintain communications between WHCSD, its students, alumni, staff and friends

  • Administer a charitable foundation which will fund scholarships to students from WHHS 

  • Gather and share information about alumni to demonstrate the success and effectiveness of WHCSD

  • Provide support for additional resources for students and/or staff 

  • Administer a Hall of Fame for alumni who have made  a significant contribution to the community

  • Collect and preserve memorabilia and information  

Alumni Hall of Fame

The Warrensville Heights High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame inducts six exceptional alumni every 2-3 years. Nominations are accepted throughout the induction year. The WHHSAA board votes on the nominations submitted by the community. Anyone can nominate an alum for induction, they do not have to be an alumni to submit a nomination. The induction luncheon ceremony is open to the public. Tickets are available upon selection of the inductees. Submit a nomination.

WHHSAA Executive Board

President: Michelle D. Phelps c/o 84

Vice President: Kimberly Hereford c/o 79

Secretary: Cynthia Moore c/o 82

Member Relations: Brian Siggers c/o 81

Scholarship Chair: Ariane Kirkpatrick c/o 83

Fundraising/Development Chair: Valerie Fort c/o 79 

Sergeant at Arms: Ernie Mitchell c/o 81 


Stay in Touch!

Stay in touch! Tigers, add your contact information to the Warrensville Heights High School Alumni Database.

Contact Us

Email | Facebook | Twitter 

Warrensville Heights HS Alumni Assoc. 

PO Box 201335, Cleveland, Ohio 44120 

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