We would like to notify you that a student at the High School has been diagnosed with Bacterial Meningitis. The student is being treated and is recovering.
Bacterial Meningitis is often severe and is consided a potential medical emergency. If left untreated, bacterial meningitis may be fatal or cause serious long-term complications. Because bacterial meningitis can progress rapidly, it is important to identify the bacteria and begin antibiotic treatment as soon as possible. Bacterial infection in the ears, mouth or sinuses can spread directly to the brain and spinal cord. Some types of bacteria are transmitted from person to person through secretions from the mouth and nose.
Parents who wish to protect their child from meningitis should make sure their child is up to date on all vaccinations, including the vaccines preventing Hib and meningococcal disease. The Hib vaccine is normally given with other infant vaccines, as 4 doses before the age of 2 years. One dose of meningococcal vaccine is recommended for all adolescents, starting at age 11 years.
Symptoms of meningitis may include fever, headache, stiff neck or neck pain, nausea and/or vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sounds. Parents should be aware of the symptoms of meningitis and other serious illnesses, and seek medical care if a child seems ill.
If you have additional questions, please contact Cuyahoga County Board of Health at 216-201-2000.