Special Education

The Warrensville Heights City School District is committed to the provision of free, appropriate, public education for children with disabilities identified in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations. 

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to the children with disabilities throughout the nation. Children and youth (ages 3-21) receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B. Under the Individuals with  Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. 

Child Find

Federal, state and local regulations require all Ohio schools to conduct annual child find activities. Child Find is the process of locating, evaluating, and identifying children with suspected disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services. If you are aware of a child who may have special needs, please notify Warrensville Heights City School District Department of Special Education at 216.364.1029 or the school principal. 

Eligibility Criteria 

A preschool child with a disability is a child who is at least three years of age and not yet six years of age and meets the definition of a child with a disability or, a the choice of the school district, is a child who is experiencing developmental delays in one or more the following areas: physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development or adaptive development, and because of it, needs special education and related services. 

A school age child with a disability is eligible for special education and/or related services in the category of one of the following areas:  Autism, Cognitive Disability, Deaf-blindness, Deafness, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury or Visual Impairment including Blindness. 

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I request Special Education services for my child?

First, write to your child’s principal, school psychologist, or Office of Special Education expressing your concerns. Within 30 days of receiving this letter, the school will convene a meeting to review available data and information about your child. You will be invited to participate in this meeting.

The team reviews all data and answers the following question: Is there evidence to suspect that a disability may exist that impacts the child’s academic performance?

If YES, the School Psychologist will ask for your consent to conduct a multi-factored evaluation of your child. In 60 days, the team will meet again to review the Evaluation Team Report (ETR).

If NO, you will be notified in writing of this determination. The school may make a plan for your child to receive interventions in the classroom.

Who can make a referral for Special Education?
If a child is suspected of having a disability and might need special education services, a referral for evaluation may be made by:

  • Parents

  • School personnel: and/or

  • Community agency personnel

What is the Warrensville Intervention Support Team (WIST)?
The WIST meets regularly to discuss individual students' concerns. These concerns may include academic, behavioral, and/or social issues. The purpose of our team is to determine possible causes of identified problems and to collaborate with teachers and parents to develop interventions which will bring about student success. 

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? 

An Individualized Education Plan (or Program) is also known as an IEP. This is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child with an identified disability who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services.  IEPs are written annually, however a parent can request a meeting at any time.

What documents should I keep?

  • Signed Evaluation Team Reports (ETRs) every three years

  • Signed IEPs annually

  • Prior Written Notices

  • IEP Progress Reports (8 per year)

  • Discipline Documentation (manifestation, Functional Behavior Assessment, Behavior Intervention Plan)

  • Work Samples

  • Notes from Teachers

  • Ohio Procedural Safeguards

My child has an IEP. I have a concern about his/her services. What do I do?

You have the right to reconvene your child’s IEP team at any time if you do not feel that your child is receiving the appropriate supports and services to meet goals.

  • Step 1: Speak with your child’s intervention specialist teacher. - If you cannot resolve the concern through a conversation, try Step 2.

  • Step 2: Ask the case manager for an IEP team meeting to address the concern. - If there is no response, try Step 3.

  • Step 3: Speak with your child’s Principal. - If the concern is still not addressed, try Step 4.

  • Step 4: Call the Office of Special Education Department at 216-364-1029.  

What should I expect to happen in an IEP meeting?

  • You should be invited to an annual IEP review each year, and more often if needed. It is best to attend a face to face meeting, though you may participate by phone or video conference.

  • You should receive an invitation to your child’s meeting at least two weeks in advance.

  • You should be asked to participate in the development of IEP goals.

  • You should receive a draft of the IEP before the meeting takes place. At the meeting, you should be asked about your future plans for your child.

  • At the meeting, you should be able to review any data collected about your child.

  • At the meeting, you should receive a copy of your Procedural Safeguards.

  • After the meeting, you should receive a signed final copy of the IEP and a Prior Written Notice (PR-01) summarizing the meeting.

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